Common name
English: Jade Vine
German: Jadewein
Portuguese: Flor-de-jade
English: Jade Vine
German: Jadewein
Portuguese: Flor-de-jade
Kingdom: Plantae (2715)
Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)
Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)
Order: Fabales (244)
Family: Fabaceae (244)(family description)
Genus: Strongylodon (1)
Epithet: macrobotrys (A.Gray) (1)
Synonyms: Strongylodon megaphyllus Merr., Strongylodon warburgii Perkins
macrobotrys => large and grape like clusters
megaphyllus => large-leaved
warburgii => in honor of Otto Warburg (1859–1938), German botanist
Climate: tropical
Habitat: mesophytic
Flower colour: green, blue