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Common name

English: Lucile's Glory-of-the-snow

German: Gewöhnliche Sternhyazinthe


Kingdom: Plantae (2713)

  Phylum: Tracheophyta (2628)

    Class: Liliopsida (397)

      Order: Asparagales (46)

        Family: Asparagaceae (34)(family description)

          Genus: Scilla (6)

            Epithet: luciliae (Boiss.) Speta (1)

Synonyms: Chionodoxa gigantea Whittall, Chionodoxa grandiflora Wore ex Wilks & Weather, Chionodoxa luciliae Boiss.

gigantea => gigantic, unusually higher than the type

grandiflora => with flowers larger than the normal

luciliae => honors Lucile Boissier (1822-1849), wife of Swiss Botanist Pierre Edmond Bossier (1810-1885)


Climate: temperate

Habit: herb

Flower colour: blue, white

External links

Check for Scilla luciliae at

World Flora Online, GBIF or IPNI

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