Common name
English: Dyer's Rocket
German: Färber-Wau
Portuguese: Erva-dos-ensalmos
English: Dyer's Rocket
German: Färber-Wau
Portuguese: Erva-dos-ensalmos
Kingdom: Plantae (2715)
Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)
Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)
Order: Brassicales (19)
Family: Resedaceae (6)(family description)
Genus: Reseda (4)
Epithet: luteola L. (1)
Synonyms: Arkopoda luteola (L.) Raf., Luteola resedoides Fuss, Luteola tinctoria Webb & Berthel., Reseda biaui Pit., Reseda crispata Bertol., Reseda dimerocarpa (Müll.Arg.) Rouy & Foucaud, Reseda glauca Eichw., Reseda gussonei Boiss. & Reut., Reseda lutea (Boiss. & Reut.) Müll.Arg., Reseda luteola Müll.Arg., Reseda odorata Hegi, Reseda pseudovirens Friv. ex Hampe, Reseda salicifolia Gray, Reseda tinctoria Salisb., Reseda undulata Gilib., Reseda virescens Hornem.
glauca => greyish or bluish
gussonei => in honor of Giovanni Gussone (1787–1866), Italian botanist
lutea => distinct yellow, a full yellow
luteola => yellowly
odorata => sweet-smelling
salicifolia => having leaves like Salix (Willow)
tinctoria => used for dyeing.
undulata => wavy, with wavy margin
Climate: temperate
Habit: herb
Flower colour: green, white
Check for Reseda luteola at
World Flora Online, GBIF or IPNILiterature