Common name
English: Martagon
German: Türkenbund
English: Martagon
German: Türkenbund
Kingdom: Plantae (2713)
Phylum: Tracheophyta (2628)
Class: Liliopsida (397)
Order: Liliales (111)
Family: Liliaceae (37)(family description)
Genus: Lilium (7)
Epithet: martagon L. (1)
Synonyms: Lilium alpinum Kit., Lilium catanii Baker, Lilium milleri Schult., Lilium villosum Cavara, Martagon montanum Fourr., Martagon sylvaticum Opiz
alpinum => from the Alps
martagon => shape of a turban (from a Turkish word for a type of turhan)
milleri => in honor of Philip Miller (1691-1771), English botanist of Scottish descent. Chief gardener at the Chelsea Physic Garden.
montanum => growing in the mountains
sylvaticum => wild not cultivated, growing in woods and forests
villosum => shaggy
Climate: temperate
Habit: herb
Flower colour: violet, pink