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Common name

English: European Privet, Wild Privet

German: Beinholz, Bocksbeere, Gemeiner Liguster, Liguster

Portuguese: Alfenheiro, Ligustro, Santoninhas


Kingdom: Plantae (2715)

  Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)

    Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)

      Order: Scrophulariales (81)

        Family: Oleaceae (19)(family description)

          Genus: Ligustrum (3)

            Epithet: vulgare L. (11)

Synonyms: Ligustrum album Gueldenst. ex Ledeb., Ligustrum decipiens Gand., Ligustrum insulare Decne., Ligustrum insulense Decne., Ligustrum italicum Mill., Ligustrum lodense Glogau, Ligustrum oviforme Gand., Ligustrum vicinum Gand.

album => dead white, without lustre

decipiens => deceiving, misleading

italicum => of Italian origin

oviforme => oval, egg-shaped; elliptic, but broader at the base

vulgare => common, everyday


Climate: temperate

Habitat: mesophytic

Habit: shrub

Flower colour: white

External links

Check for Ligustrum vulgare at

World Flora Online, GBIF or IPNI


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