Common name
English: Rough hawksbeard
German: Wiesen-Pippau
English: Rough hawksbeard
German: Wiesen-Pippau
Kingdom: Plantae (2715)
Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)
Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)
Order: Asterales (229)
Family: Asteraceae (228)(family description)
Genus: Crepis (4)
Epithet: biennis L. (2)
Synonyms: Berinia biennis Sch.Bip., Brachyderea biennis Sch.Bip., Crepis dubia Krock., Crepis glabra Krock., Crepis glandulosa Bastard, Crepis lodomiriensis Besser, Crepis muricata Gilib., Crepis sabauda Balb. ex DC., Crepis scanensis L. ex Froel., Crepis transsilvanica Schur, Crepis tristis Klokov
biennis => 'biennial' - two years
dubia => doubtful, uncertain (usually in regard to taxonomic placement)
glabra => without hair, smooth, bald, bare
glandulosa => full of glands, glandular
lodomiriensis => from the former Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeri, this historical region in Eastern Europe is divided today between Poland and Ukraine
muricata => full of rough, short, sharp points
sabauda => from Savoy (Sabaudia or Sapaudia), Southeastern France
scanensis => from Scania, region in Sweden
transsilvanica => from Transylvania, Romania
tristis => sad, dull-colored, melancholic, gloomy; of taste: bitter, harsh, disagreeable; of smell: offensive, foul
Climate: temperate
Habit: herb
Flower colour: yellow