Common name
English: Robusta coffee
German: Robusta-Kaffee
Portuguese: Café Robusta
English: Robusta coffee
German: Robusta-Kaffee
Portuguese: Café Robusta
Kingdom: Plantae (2715)
Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)
Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)
Order: Gentianales (113)
Family: Rubiaceae (62)(family description)
Genus: Coffea (2)
Epithet: canephora Pierre ex A.Froehner (1)
Synonyms: Coffea bukobensis A.Zimm., Coffea laurentii De Wild., Coffea maclaudii A.Chev., Coffea robusta L.Linden, Coffea ugandae Cramer, Coffea welwitschii Pierre ex De Wild.
canephora => basket-bearer, in reference to the involucrum under the head of the flower
laurentii => in honor of Emile Laurent (1861-1904), Belgian botanist
maclaudii => in honor of C. Maclaud (1895-?) who collected in West Africa
robusta => strong, big, gigantic
welwitschii => honors Friedrich Martin Josef Welwitsch (1806-1872), an Austrian explorer and botanist working in of Portuguese Africa
Climate: sub-tropical
Habit: shrub, arborescent
Flower colour: white
Check for Coffea canephora at
World Flora Online, GBIF or IPNI