Common name
English: Cornflower
German: Kornblume
Portuguese: Escovinha
English: Cornflower
German: Kornblume
Portuguese: Escovinha
Kingdom: Plantae (2715)
Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)
Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)
Order: Asterales (229)
Family: Asteraceae (228)(family description)
Genus: Centaurea (15)
Epithet: cyanus L. (1)
Synonyms: Centaurea cyaneum St.-Lag., Centaurea cyanocephala Velen., Centaurea cyanus Rech.fil., Centaurea cynarocephala Velen., Centaurea hoffmanniana Asch., Centaurea hortorum Pau, Centaurea lanata Roxb., Centaurea pulcherrima Wight, Centaurea pulchra DC., Centaurea rhizocephala Trautv., Centaurea segetalis Salisb., Centaurea umbrosa A.Huet & Reut., Cyanus arvensis Moench, Cyanus cyanus (L.) Hill, Cyanus dentato-folius Gilib., Cyanus segetum Hill, Cyanus vulgaris Delarbre, Jacea segetalis Lam., Jacea segetum (Hill) Lam., Leucacantha cyanus (L.) Nieuwl. & Lunell, Setachna cyanus (L.) Dulac
arvensis => growing in fields
cyaneum => azure, blue
cyanus => azure, blue
lanata => woolly or cottony, covered with long inter-grown curly hairs
pulcherrima => most beautiful
pulchra => beautiful
segetalis => of the cornfields, growing in standing crops
segetum => growing in standing crops
umbrosa => growing in shady places
vulgaris => common, everyday
Climate: temperate
Habit: herb
Flower colour: blue