Common name
English: Beach sheoak
German: Schachtelhalmblättrige Kasuarine
Mandarin: 木麻黄 (mu ma huang)
Portuguese: Chorão
English: Beach sheoak
German: Schachtelhalmblättrige Kasuarine
Mandarin: 木麻黄 (mu ma huang)
Portuguese: Chorão
Kingdom: Plantae (2715)
Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)
Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)
Order: Casuarinales (1)
Family: Casuarinaceae (1)(family description)
Genus: Casuarina (1)
Epithet: equisetifolia L. (1)
Synonyms: Casuarina africana Lour., Casuarina brunoniana Miq., Casuarina excelsa Dehnh. ex Miq., Casuarina indica Pers., Casuarina lateriflora Poir., Casuarina littorea Oken, Casuarina mertensiana Rupr. ex Miq., Casuarina repens Hoffmanns., Casuarina truncata Willd.
africana => of African origin
brunoniana => in honor of Robert Brown (1773-1858), Scottish botanist and palaeobotanist
equisetifolia => foliage like a horse tail
excelsa => high, elevated
indica => from or referring in some way to India
lateriflora => lateral flowers
littorea => found on the seashore
mertensiana => in honor of Karl Heinrich Mertens (1795–1830), German plant collector
repens => creeping and rooting
truncata => truncate, cut off, blunt-ended
Climate: sub-tropical
Habitat: mesophytic
Habit: tree
Check for Casuarina equisetifolia at
World Flora Online, GBIF or IPNILiterature