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Common name

English: Beach morningglory

German: Strand-Zaunwinde, Strandwinde

Mandarin: 肾叶打碗花 (shen ye da wan hua)

Portuguese: Couve-marinha


Kingdom: Plantae (2715)

  Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)

    Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)

      Order: Solanales (101)

        Family: Convolvulaceae (43)(family description)

          Genus: Calystegia (3)

            Epithet: soldanella (L.) R. Br. ex Roemer & J.A. Schultes (1)

Synonyms: Calystegia soldanelloides Makino, Convolvulus asarifolius Salisb., Convolvulus maritimus Lam., Convolvulus reniformis (R. Br.) Poir., Convolvulus soldanella L.

asarifolius => Asarum leaved

maritimus => growing on the seashore, confined to the coast

reniformis => kidney-shaped

soldanella => with leaves like Soldanella

soldanelloides => resembling Soldanella


Climate: sub-tropical

Habitat: mesophytic

Habit: herb

Flower colour: violet, pink, beige, white

External links

Check for Calystegia soldanella at

World Flora Online, GBIF or IPNI


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