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Kingdom: Plantae (2715)

  Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)

    Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)

      Order: Fabales (244)

        Family: Fabaceae (244)(family description)

          Genus: Bauhinia (8)

            Epithet: khasiana Baker (1)

Synonyms: Bauhinia howei Merr. & Chun, Bauhinia pierrei Gagnep., Bauhinia polystachya Gagnep., Phanera khasiana (Baker) Thoth.

howei => from the Lord Howe Island in the Tasman Sea, Australia

khasiana => from Khasia, India

pierrei => in honor of Jean Baptiste Louis Pierre (1833-1905), French botanist known for his Asian studies

polystachya => with many spikes


Climate: tropical

Habit: liana

Flower colour: orange

External links

Check for Bauhinia khasiana at

World Flora Online, GBIF or IPNI

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