Common name
English: Chinese violet
Mandarin: 宽叶十万错 (kuan ye shi wan cuo)
English: Chinese violet
Mandarin: 宽叶十万错 (kuan ye shi wan cuo)
Kingdom: Plantae (2715)
Phylum: Tracheophyta (2630)
Class: Magnoliopsida (2217)
Order: Scrophulariales (81)
Family: Acanthaceae (25)(family description)
Genus: Asystasia (2)
Epithet: gangetica (L.) T. Anders. (1)
Synonyms: Asystasia coromandeliana Nees, Asystasia violacea Dalzell, Dyschoriste biloba Hochst., Justicia gangetica L.
biloba => divided into two lobes (of anther and leaves)
coromandeliana => from the Coromandel Coast, the southeastern coast region of the Indian Subcontinent
gangetica => found in or around the Ganges river
violacea => derived from the Latin "viola" meaning violet
Climate: tropical
Habitat: mesophytic
Habit: herb
Flower colour: blue, white
Check for Asystasia gangetica at
World Flora Online, GBIF or IPNILiterature